Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pointless blog...

Today I thought I'd write something that takes me the whole day to type...
kind of a random thought thing...
I don't know how entertaining it will be for you, but I know it will make me feel a great deal better...

Can't believe I made it in here "on-time"... better than yesterday. I hope this man doesn't mess with me today. In fact, I think I'll just focus on other things and that way I don't attract his crappy energy...

hmm... I think I'll go get some coffee now...

I think I'm going to die here... well not die, but I will suffer a great deal before I can leave! I've had my coffee and 2 small sesame rolls... but I fear that was the last of my happiness for the day...
Le sigh...

2 Unknown calls... aliens?  eh... Bill collectors.

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Have you ever just wanted to not hear what people around you are saying?... Like it's soooo boring to hear what they are talking about, or it's annoying and you don't even want to have an opinion... I feel like that for 8 hours... I don't want to talk to some of the people I work with at all, so when I get out of work... it is impossible to shut me up! lmfaooo

While listening to my toady boss answer personal phone calls on his cellphone, and simultaneously doing my boring old job... I've also submitted my resume to about 5 different places. I need out of this place. And if I'm not working towards getting out, then I just don't care about the well being of my soul! (which is NOT true... I want nothing more than peace of mind and calmness within...)

So like if I documented all the things my boss does that he tells us not to do... then what? o.O

Yes! PM!! Coffee, SnapChat, Facebook, Instagram, texting, craigslist, blogger.... these are a few of the things I'd like to thank for my success in surviving until this very moment!

What the flip am I gonna eat for lunch? Fries? nah... -_- fried rice it is... I can never be adventurous with my tummy! ugh!

I should be stepping out on break... I've decided on a sandwich... sigh
I'm going to make a list of books that would be fun to read... I'm thinking an excel spreadsheet... I like charts... #oddLife

Totally sidetracked from my list of books to a list of mental disorders... Short attention span... gift and a curse.

Adult ADHD test... passed. or failed?... Says I gots the ADHD -_-

Definitely changed my mind about lunch... mashed potatoes and Pernil! Yusss! called mom... Love that lady... <3

3rd unknown call... I'll pay you on Thursday! I decided to take these few minutes to text away... "hello princess how is your day going?" "Eh.. it's going, just keeping busy... yours?"
"I love you!!!" "I love you too! better day?" .... I clearly had a shitty day yesterday... "write about what?" "write down your feelings and then turn it into a poem.. it's what I do because I don't fully understand poetry but I have a lot of feelings..." I love the people who keep me entertained throughout the day... <3 <3

It's almost over now... this ridiculous, boring day... I've been making a list of interesting books I may want to read but it may be just another project I make up just to keep myself entertained and then.... just like that... it's boring and I don't wanna do it anymore...

Who waits for 5pm? Not this girl...

Seriously... this helped me get some crap out of my brain... it's a pointless blog... but I do it for me, not you lol
<3 you anyway :)

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