Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm having asexual problem...

What do you do when you are love with someone but there's no longer any physical attraction? In fact, I don't feel physically attracted to anyone...Am I asexual?


Love... What is that thing? CRAZY! That's what! It was very intense to read your question because I wanted to put myself in your position for a moment... I couldn't do it... so my advice probably will not reflect me feeling like I'm on your level (but I'll try my best not to be bias in any way).

It's kind of tough for me to answer your question directly so I'm going to break it down and give you several answers. These first two will give suggestions on attempting to fix the physical attraction factor... before we even begin to consider you being asexual.

Is the lack of physical attraction due to the fact that your significant other is out of shape?
If so, try to find fun activities for you both to do, such as Bike tours.. (click this for site), it's a fun work out and it's like $40 bucks per bike for the whole day, Helmet is included and $5 for a basket. You can bring sandwiches made of turkey and cheese on whole wheat bread and fruits and water, and get into shape together while having a romantic day and sparking that attraction over again. Take a jog together. Help your significant other get to where you can be physically attracted to them, and work on your bod at the same time... Why not? lol ;)

Is the lack of physical attraction due to something on/off/ or about their body that no longer "does it for you"?
If so, I'm attempting to picture what could be wrong and the only things that can come to mind that would be game-changers for me are like amputated limbs...or deformation (which if you're in love shouldn't matter anyway). Unfortunately I don't know what the situation may be.. so you might have to consider maybe talking to your significant other about this issue you're having. You can't go wrong with telling them your feelings. After all, you say you are in love with this person, so you should be able to share intimate thoughts without even a second thought. If you are attempting to look out for this person's feelings, eventually everything done in the dark comes to light and it will hurt them to find out later, in an alternate way that you are no longer physically attracted to them.

Now then... you said you're not attracted to anyone... and you're wondering if you're asexual.... Let's not jump the gun here. I had to look up asexuality to make sure I fully understood what it meant. So naturally I went to the most reliable source on the Internet WIKIPEDIA!! (click) LMFAO, but when they mentioned a Japanese chef, named Mao Sugiyama, surgically removing his genitals and serving them to customers.... uh... I decided to look for a more reliable source. That's when I stumbled upon AVEN's Site (click) they offer a much easier to understand definition of asexuality, and if this is really what you're feeling you might benefit from this site because they are an asexual community. You can talk to people who feel the same way and can help you better understand yourself.

Sexuality is another tough thing to understand. I've been attempting to come up with a blog involving steps and ways to "come out of the closet" for anyone who may need help with that, but I feel like nothing I write can ever make it any easier. I hope I've made sense to you regarding your issue... and thanks for the email... Later Gater!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Foodie Fatty's Feelings

Nice blog. How do you feel about eating healthy, dieting, exercising... Do you eat all kinds of food or are you picky?


Thanks Ron, I'm trying and having fun at the same time!!
If you had asked me this question 3 months ago, my answer would've probably been "HAHAHA! I don't work out" and that is the reason why I gained A LOT of weight in the span of a year. -_-
Fortunately! I've quit smoking cigarettes and have tons of energy now! I've started running (sshh... not even close to running but I guess we can call it that since I do "go fast" for about 1 minute lol ) I've been eating moderate meals as opposed to the exaggerated portions I had been serving myself all my life....
So here's my opinion... It's hard to train yourself into eating healthy but it's necessary, at least for a good quality of life. I love veggies, though not like a vegetarian loves veggies but I wouldn't skip them with a meal. Dieting isn't my thing. I lack the discipline necessary to hold on to the same dietary regimen. I would like to consider it, but I need to wean myself off of junk. Now exercising is a whole different story! I think it's very important to exercise! Getting up off our behinds is sometimes a little hard seeing as tv is so very fun, computer usage is addictive (ie. The Sims 3 for me) and beds and chairs are ever so comfy. I try to do some yoga often, whether I use Exercise tv on demand (Channel 1023 on Time Warner Cable) or going to Bikram Yoga ( They have good deals and discounts for students check out the site) which is hot yoga in 105 degrees for 90mins with the nicest people and some awesome bods! It helps stretch your body and does wonders for other bodily functions, and you feel like HEAVEN when you come out of there! I recently got a bike off of which I totally recommend because let's face it.... bikes are REALLY expensive! I ride the bike a few times around the block. I have my last meal around 9:30 and drink lots of water. That's about as far as diet goes for me, and as for exercise I want to get into a routine but it's going to take determination.
You asked if I eat all kinds of food or if I'm picky....... FOOD IS JESUS!! I am not picky at all which is what may have landed me in my weight gain predicament lol. I eat like it's my last meal, that's why it's going to be hard to cut back and eat only what is necessary and not what my stomach thinks is the amount it needs to be satisfied (which is considerably more than it should smh).
Slowly I'll work it all out but health is seriously important, I took the first step by quitting cigarettes, and starting to do some exercise. It's not going to be easy... but then again what is?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gather around kiddies it's...Story Time!!

Hidey-ho Bubblers!
I seem to be getting no questions so I will tell my really crazy story of my wallet's FML moment this weekend...

This story dates back to Friday the Worst of June (see what I did there? I said worst instead of first...), I woke up late and had to run out of the house, and get on the bus which gets detoured and delayed for 25 mins where a boy then faints... needless to say.. I was late for work -_-

I order my breakfast and it's missing stuff, which is terrible to me because food is JESUS! Get back to my desk and commence a terrible work day, the night wasn't too bad.. went to my friends house for "circle time" and watched Netflix.

But then Saturday (YIKES) comes around... Dun Dun Dunnnn..................
I wake up have some more "circle-time" and hop on the train for an hour and forty-five minutes (because trains suck on the weekend) miss my bus... -_- Finally I get home and have to hurry out to go to a pole dancing ( class (where I had a!)... Anyway I decide I'm going to ride my bike there... but that doesn't work out because my bike wants me to die. I get over that hill, I go to the class... then go home... on the way home I call up "ma brutha frumah nuthah muthah" to see what's up for the night... end up making plans with him to go to his house on the bike (don't ask why I want this bike to do things for me when it clearly hates me). I meet up with him after tying a pillow to the seat for privates pain relief, we start riding towards my house and then change routes towards the train... where we had the realization that when people are on the train with their bikes.. SOMETHING WENT WRONG lmfao. We finally get to his house and commence our nightly plan which include but are not limited to "circle-time" and "thirst quenching" among other things and on the way to meet my brother at another hang out my wallet was dropped...

My wallet contained my life in it! Passport, Birth Certificate, Permit, SS Card!! ( I know these aren't things I should carry around but I spent a long time as a nomad so there were certain things I needed handy) I was devastated and spent about 3 hours retracing my steps back and forth from my current party to my last. My night and life were very sad.... I kept trying to cheer myself up and look at the bright side, I can cancel my cards, and replace all of my documents, at a price of course, but they can all be replaced. My kick ass brother had my back transportation wise, and we finally got home when the sun was up and a new miserable day had started with me being identity-less. sigh...

I couldn't get out of bed no matter how hard I tried... my mother even attempted to get me up (she had no clue what had happened the night before) but nothing worked. She went to cook some food and I couldn't even imagine getting up to eat...

Then I hear her pick up her phone and say " Hello, who? Sherry lost her wallet?" and I popped out of bed!! "WHAT?!" oooooh! sweet baby Jesus yesssss!

And when she passes me the phone I hear my awesomely awesome friend Browney on the other end telling me his brother found it in the street and when he realized it was me he started figuring out how to get in contact with me...... Things got a little better after that.. I still don't have cash because I have no cards.. but it's working out just fine because I am ME again!! I can't get deported to Biloboobula land and be married to a goat! I am an American again, and all of my documents are now safe in my drawer... smh I will NEVER carry them around unless I need them that day!

And that's my story! Yayy wallet baby!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Love or Lust?

Once upon on a time I was made aware that my darling g/f was infatuated with my manhood, to the point where I'd question whether she was in love or in lust. She'd rave and rave about him but what about me? Should I have made a bigger deal about the situation or ignored it like I did?
It was a little strange for her to be infatuation with your "manhood". But we're not here to discuss her problem right? lol I think you did just fine ignoring it. I know I would have. There are certain things that are very hard to address without making someone feel badly about themselves... this is one of those subjects. She obviously had something else going on if she felt like your "manhood" deserved more attention than you the boyfriend. If you're wondering if it was Love or Lust on her behalf... I would go with Lust, Love goes deeper than your "manhood" ( no pun intended lol ) -Sherry

Bubble Intro

Hi Bubblers! I am new to the blog world, but I know I'll do well here. My plan for this blog is to be able to vent and let vent. I'd love participation from who ever would want to email me their problems and listen to my advice, and also be able to talk about my life occasionally to give others the opportunity to scratch my back as well. I initially wanted to do this for pay... then after careful consideration I came up with the fact that I don't want any responsibility out of this. I want to give advice and listen (when I say listen I really mean read) to every one's issues, and write back responses. Names will be changed and in no way will the world know who you are... that will be our little secret. Hopefully I can get some juicy stuff and be able to answer back ASAP...